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Feng Ye College

Feng Ye College is an educational and training institution that is actively engaged within Montreal’s’ Chinese community. This organization is committed to helping students “…adapt to the Quebec educational and working environment and to improve their academic performances...” (Sun, 2012). In the FALL OF 2016, I had the priviledge of teaching the 6 to 12 year old group on Saturday afternoons.

Bodies Installation

Inspired by the works of Keith Haring students had creative freedom created whatever they wanted with their own body's outline. They worked in pairs in order to help each other trace their bodies it the position of their choosing, and later in teams when deciding how and where to display their individual works together (image of instillation above).


Students created their own modern versions of a Victorian zoetrope. A zoetrope is one of several pre-film animation devices that produce the illusion of motion by displaying a sequence of drawings or photographs showing progressive phases of that motion.

Recycled Fish

Students were shown a video demonstrating the effects that plastic consumption is having on our oceans. We spoke of the importance of recycling, and ways that we can reduce waste and help the environment. With the use of recycled materials they created their version of a fish that this type of mindfulness could save.

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