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Artist Statement

My artistic process is one of constant self-exploration, experimentation, and more often than not, a therapeutic outlet. When working on a piece, I often try to plan out its execution as little as possible as this tends to stifle my creativity. I lay out all my materials so that they are ready to be selected and employed in a free-form manner allowing for my creativity to unfold organically.

Among the many styles and artistic movements that influence my body of work, graffiti and street art were the first to impact me significantly. At the time, graffiti as a cultural movement was everything to me. It was more than just visual art, it was music, it was dance, it was urban culture. Graffiti as a form of expression was rebelling against formalist concepts and reinventing them; a notion that impacts my art-making to this day.

Most recently, I have been enamoured with works from the expressionist period, particularly those of Egon Schiele. His heavy contour lines, graphic marks, linearity, and figural distortions are elements that I often employ within my art making. Being influenced by a number of different styles impacts  my tendency to employ and juxtapose a variety of techniques and mediums which are ever present within my body of work.

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