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Westhaven Community Center

The Westhaven Elmhurst Community Recreation Association has been providing services to residents of all ages in the N.D.G. area of Montreal since 1974. They offer “…a range of activities from after-school clubs and basketball leagues to art classes for teenagers and computer courses for 50+ participants…” (Westhaven Recreation, n.d.), taking pride in strengthening the social fabric of the community.  With the vision of fortifying a sense of social inclusiveness and community engagement, they continually look for new ways to engage their population. Working closely over the years with varying community-based groups and organizations, they strive to offer services that can be of benefit. Amongst them is The After School Club, an after-school program catered to 5-12-year-olds. It offers a safe and secure place that parents can trust their children to go to after school, and ensures allocated time for sports, cooking or computer classes, and art! Each week the center presents the children with a different theme such as space day, Olympic day, and their annual open house; along with the coordinator we decided to incorporate these into our lessons. Here are a few of our memorable art making moments over the winter of 2018.

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